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Ra'mona Marie ... Psychic  Intuitive         Life Coach - Advanced Certified Hypnotist

Hypnosis, Altered States of Mind and Brain Waves.

There are many altered states of awareness that are natural.

There is a active - inactive status happening continually in our body 24 hours a day. From Beta waves to Alpha and Delta waves. These are natural shifts of consciousness from sleep states to alert states of mind.

This is a natural constant shifting and adjusting in our daily life.

I may seem to ramble, but please bear with the chain of thought..

To help you understand hypnosis, let me explain some of the natural variances in brain waves.

Daily our minds produce Beta Brain Waves. While we are producing beta waves the mind and body are doing. This is when we are busy doing things, going places. Asserting and achieving is the goal.

During sleep... brain waves vary from Alpha to Theta, then into Delta waves . All these terms define how fast or slow our brain waves are being produced. All of these brain wave patterns are normal states of mind, and are crucial to our good health. These brain wave patterns, or states of mind fluctuate twenty-four hours a day. Constantly shifting... never ending through life.

Beta waves being the fastest of brain wave patterns. Delta waves being the slowest pattern.

The Beta Mind is associated with our male self or masculine self . On a EEG-test beta waves are produced at 13 -40 Hz waves per second. This Beta Mind pattern is the active or assertive side of our personality. This is the masculine trait in us that excels at business ventures, sports, or many other activities requiring focus and attention.

It is also our male self that at times can be extremely dominating or overpowering. Often being dominant unintentionally as the male self is doing what it does best, simply asserting itself.

High Beta is over 40Hz per second. High Beta are like bursts of higher consciousness, or higher cognitive abilities. Moments of higher insights! The Beta Mind or masculine mind is also the protector of our reality ...  the conscious mind .


An Alpha wave pattern is the one identified mostly with relaxation, resting and light sleep states.

It is through the slower brain wave patterns such as the alpha state that there is excellent receptivity of the mind . Numerous are the inspirations received through this state of mind.

Alpha waves are associated with both our masculine and feminine self.  In an Alpha state of mind we are always listening, but still yet alert. These Alpha waves may be likened to a bridge between the masculine and feminine self.

Alpha is about relaxation. This wave pattern is frequently referred to as the Alpha Mind.  A light relaxed meditative state. Very peaceful! Harmonious to our soul!

A predominance of Alpha waves in the brain is associated with accelerated learning, focus and enhanced creativity. These attributes will increase your productivity and enhance your experience no matter the task at hand. A very positive state to be in! Artists & Musicians love Alpha energy!

On a EEG-test alpha waves are produced at 7-12 HZ waves per second. A constant state of Alpha has long been desired by people as a state of  ideal balance. True Zen energy is Alpha energy.


Theta brain waves cause deeper meditative states of mind. A highly creative state of awareness, very receptive to new ideas, thoughts, dreams or symbology. This state of mind also taps into creative solutions or inspirations. On a EEG-test Theta waves are produced at 4 -7 Hz waves per second

As you move deeper into a Theta state a disconnection occurs from an outer physical focus of the world, to an inner focus of you. You finally lose connection to your physical body in this state of mind. Such as when you are just drifting off to sleep, you let go of sensations coming from your physical body or thoughts from your mind. You move into a total state of relaxation - or enter a resting phase.

Both Theta and Delta brain waves are associated with our feminine self.


Then we have the Delta brain wave pattern. This is the side of us that energizes or heals our physical body, mind and spirit. During our sleep, the delta brain waves create healing restorative energy throughout our body. Increased immune function is possible from this wave pattern. The quiet and more subdued aspect of who we are, but who truly has control.

This aspect of our personality is the ... subconscious mind.

Delta waves vibrate from .0 - 4 Hz waves per second. You can attain a deeper meditative state when producing Delta waves. Involuntary reactions or responses in our body come from the feminine aspect or subconscious part of who we are. The healer within us simply controls many automatic functions of the body. Such as in sleep deprivation the body will automatically shut itself down moving us into the feminine Delta-Theta brain waves or restorative sleep state status.

We all have these male - female traits of who we are.  They compliment and balance each other. The male and female energy combining to make a whole person or personality. Much the same as polorization of winter and summer, or hot and cold. They balance each other out by their contrasting values. It is by these same contrasting values of male - female energies that come together that conception of life can occur. Electricity works on the same fundamental truth.

In our individual personalities, we each have stronger tendency to either the masculine or feminine side of who we are. This unique combination is what makes up much of our personality.

Generally we ground ourself in one aspect of masculinity/assertiveness or feminity/passivity more than the other. So you are either grounded more deeply in your male or female self. The term grounded conveying a comfort zone or the aspect you are more familiar with, more comfortable with. Grounded in the sense you identify with that aspect of yourself more deeply.

Just beginning this century is a new wave of individuals who are better at maintaining a greater sense of balance between the masculine and feminine aspects. Their utilizing a creative blending of both aspects of their personality. Of their easily - graciously harmonizing these aspects of self.


That in our wholeness... a natural shift occurs daily just like the moon phases go from full moon to crescent moon... a natural shifting pattern. Similar, our planet shifts from lightness to darkness every single day. And spring green fades into winter browns. Natural cycles of shifting from one aspect to the other. This is true of us as well, we make a natural shift from our male self to our female self multiple times daily.  These brain wave patterns and our personalities constantly fluctuating.

Such as when we go to bed and read for a few minutes before attempting sleep, we are likely producing lower beta waves. When we put the book down, turn off the lights and close our eyes, our brain waves will descend from beta, to alpha, to theta and finally, when we fall deeply into asleep, a delta state... going into the feminine restorative side of us.

Then when we awaken from a deep sleep in preparation of getting up, our brain wave frequencies will increase through the different specific stages of brain wave activity. That is, they will increase from delta to theta and then to alpha and finally, when the alarm goes off, up into beta.  Shifting back into the male assertive side of us...  ready, get set... go-go-go!

Conflict occurs when an individual's pattern is unbalanced or when two person's patterns do not mesh or synchronize. Therefore conflict and war in our own reality, thus the war in the world at large. Maybe all this sounds rather too simplistic, but truth many times ends up being very simple.

Balance equates harmony.

We can teach ourselves how to graciously shift from one aspect of ourselve to the other, from the feminine to masculine. We can intentionally use these natural aspects and abilities of each cycle to our advantage in different situations or circumstances. And in our relationships.

But first we must familiarize ourselves with these inner workings of who we are. It begins by understanding & respecting the needs of our duality or polarity, and these constant shifts of mind.

And of our need to make these shifts throughout the day. I have come to understand that many emotional crisis or misunderstandings we go through daily are directly related to our energy being out of snyc. Situations or relationships in life preventing us from shifting naturally as we need. Our either being out of sync with ourself, or with another person, or both simultaneously.

We have the natural ability to shift our brain waves or consciousness within our mind at will.

Back to hypnosis now....

Hypnosis is simply the name of a intentional technique - accessing these natural brain waves at will. Mention hypnosis and it conjures up old stage acts, I hope to dispel those old magic illusions.

Nothing mysterious here folks! Hypnosis is about accessing these natural beta-alpha-theta-delta brain waves. Each of these brain wave states hold a different aspect - ability or gift for us to utilize.

Mozart was tapping into alpha! There are untold functions or abilities that we too can access through our minds. Remember the percentile of what we know our brains perform... only 15-20%.

Athelete's competing in the Olympics are heavily utilizing the physical aspect of the body. Beta waves equate to physical activity - the male counterpart of who we are. Again doing and asserting!

Our mind is fascinating! Magicians would have us think mysterious here... mind control here...   but hypnosis is so simple people can practice it on their own. That practice is called Self-Hypnosis.

Limits were placed on advertisers years ago for subliminal advertising because of the fact people are extremely open to suggestions, even subtle suggestions. Children even more open to these suggestions than adults.

No one can truly make people do things utilizing hypnosis that they wouldn't have done any way on their own in life. As I give suggestions through hypnosis I do not force people to change, as I can not force energy or change. I simply direct people where they ultimately want to go... to make changes... it is their desire for change... that true effect occurs. This effect possible by suggestions given to the mind, by me, by you. Our mind is ever listening.

Hypnosis or Self Hypnosis is ultimately the same mind-state as Meditation. The only difference between meditation and hypnosis... you are actively not attempting to do anything in meditation... there is no goal... just relaxation ... quieting the mind... disconnecting...

With hypnosis, there is a specific goal! You use hypnosis as a tool with specific intent or intention.

Altered states, consciousness, hypnosis... this is all about semantics...  what are we calling... describing things... it can get complicated or simple. A psychic's trance state starts with alpha waves, moving deeper into the theta-delta brain waves. When I do readings I am at first in Alpha then move into the Delta-Theta states of mind.

Drugs can act as a catalyst for many people, catapulting them into intense altered states of mind.  Altered in the sense that the mind is pushed further outside of it's normal functioning perimeters to extreme ranges of vibration. It only mattering which way a person wants to go, up or down!   In case of speed, crank or meth, it catapults them upward into intense beta brain wave frenzy. Busy, busy busy... obsessively so, compulsively so! Into the male self they go! Where or when they'll stop no-one knows!

My guide once told me the best symbol there was for masculine or male energy was the male sperm. I had to chuckle about the go-go-go thing! The male sperm only has one goal in mind, and will do anything in it's power to get there! Forward momentum! And the faster it can go the better!

The deeper-slower brain waves produce such pleasing, relaxing brain waves it also creates drug addictions in many people. People are stressed these days looking for relief, rest and some form of peace of mind or a moments release from reality. Drugs catapult folks into a different space or place within their mind. So easy! And so addictive!

Some people like to go inward into their mind... more the case with narcotics. Narcotics catapulting people into their feminine or passive side. Other people like to go outward more into physical reality utilizing amphetamines. People who like or need to slow down are more prone to smoke marijuana for the effect, or take drugs that are downers like pain pills, sedatives and the likes.

People who are more prone to the feminine/passive side of who they are need to be more grounded in their masculine self. And folks more prone in their male/masculine side need more balance in the feminine ranges.

I hope this article might help to resolve misconceptions about our idenities, our personalities, our feminine and masculine counterparts. As many men feel repeled to any thought or notion of any feminine aspect of who they are. And there are many women who could use a dose of more masculine or more assertive energy in their realty. Our life is about balance, seeking and attaining balance. My offering an alternative perspective, a different way to look at us, at life. Still back to hypnosis and mind shifts.

Many are the folks using drugs, legal or illegal to shift their consciousness. They use the drugs to make intentional shifts or alter their current state of mind or awareness. Maybe escaping from reality, or simply diverting boredom in their life.

The bad thing with drugs though is it alters your natural rhythms, and creates extreme shifts of consciousness. It also causes addictions - the constant need of the substance... that was used to shift mind consciousness in the first place. Sadly though utilizing drugs causes extreme shifts of mind, which can not be held indefinately. What goes up must also come down. And so an unhealthy pattern is set utilizing substances to achieve these mind shifts. Plus the unnatural extremes that are created are now damaging both the body and mind, causing a lack of emotional stabilty.

Many are the sugar or caffeine addicts :) who like to go up, and alcohol addicts who like to go down. There are all sorts of variances, our shifting constantly our mind or awareness to one  vibration or another. Possibly we need more rest - the feminine so we take a sleeping pill, or we need more activity the masculine and drink six cups of coffee. But all of this reflects our mind, where it is in the moment and where we want to go.

If you are normally grounded in your feminine self and are very passive in nature you may be drawn to drugs or substances that catapult you in Beta brain waves in order to balance your overall energy. As frequently we sense we need to shift something... but what! And how! Oh these external substances just take us there so easily, but extremely so!

We live in a very high paced - Beta based world throwing us into an unnatural state of mind constantly. This causing a dire need for us to disconnect from the beta pace or the go-go-go! All of us attempting to cope in numerous ways. Just how fast can we go? or want to go? for how long?

We find external ways to shift our energy. Drugs, caffeine, food, sugar, sports, sex, sleep. All these things shift our energy - brain waves - mind consciouness one way or the other, depending on where we need to go in the moment to achieve a better emotional and electrical balance.

People could be taught Self-Hypnosis to help them cope with reality. To teach them how to naturally shift their own consciousness, without having to take drugs for the catalyst effect.

Meditation is so popular today as it shifts us from beta to alpha waves. It allows us to disconnect from the beta-based world at large. Mediation gives our body and mind a needed break to both  rest and rejuvenate.

The easy peaceful state of alpha/theta waves is very refreshing & energizing. I have had many people not want to return to conscious reality after our hypnosis sessions. My then teaching people how to attain that state of mind independent of me, and independent of drugs for that matter.

We have not been taught how to achieve these mind shifts at will, let alone how to graciously shift our energy from the male aspect of self... to the feminine self.  How can we find peace with others of our species if we are not at peace first with ourself. We need to embrace both the feminine and masculine in who we are! We need to find balance and harmony between these two aspects of self. And then to also find harmony and balance between ourself and others.


Just as our file cabinet needs to be updated, so do our minds. Old files in our mind produce old static memory paths. This is where we get stuck in time, reacting in the same manner over and over to old memories or old files. Even reacting to new stimulus in the same old pattern.

Releasing those old energies, old pathways allows new growth and positive changes in life to occur. Old files or old patterns equals... stagnant energy...  stagnant chi causes physical disease.

This is where choice leads into action! We may actively choose to clean out the file cabinet - our mind as easily as we can balance the masculine and feminine aspects of who we are. If we are aware that we can achieve that goal.

Hypnosis enters in here!  Intentional intent!

Why not harness the immense potential of our alpha/theta/delta mind states, and use these states of mind intentionally, rather than accidentally. Utilizing hypnosis as a tool to release energy, or tap into receptive mind states to achieve new changes. To synchronize and balance our subconscious/feminine and conscious/masculine mind to our advantage, making desired changes in our life easier to attain. Creating peace, harmony and balance in our own mind, in our own life.

Hypnosis uses the mind - our bodies natural rhythms to access the alpha/theta/delta mind states and to affect change in a person's life. These are the most receptive states of mind to new things.

Hypnosis just the word describing technique or function of accessing the mind. Words, words, words everywhere we go. Words to allow me to communicate to you, words...  what would we do without them... they are pathways to discovery.

Frequently people are apprehensive about hypnosis, I have found that people become more receptive when doing more frequent sessions. The frequency helps confront the fears that people may have concerning hypnosis, fear of the unknown, fear of a person they just met. Many people also have a fear of being controlled by this new person or stranger, therefore are resistant to hypnosis. The frequency of sessions meets and balances the intensity of fears.

The power of intent is miraculous!

I generally like to conduct three consecutive sessions of hypnosis, once a day for three days. This easing apprehensions or fears, allowing for tapping deeper into the mind - deeper into the subconscious to make positive suggestions – more easily effecting changes in a person's life. Repeated suggestions and time allowing deeper relaxation and acceptance of those suggestions.

Don't be afraid to use hypnosis to dig into the inner aspects of you...  after all what can you lose… maybe things you've wanted to lose for decades. Or to discover and activate dormant talents, open your mind to new waves of understanding life's circumstances. Allowing you to gain clarity from an alternative perspective or viewpoint. And the changes you can make in you... simply dramatic!

Choosing self-hypnosis, hypnosis with a hypnotist or even hypnosis CDs does not matter! That is simply choice,  just reach into your mind no matter how you do it... many answers lie there!

What hypnosis did for me personally was simply amazing in my life. The clarity I received was more than dramatic in my own life! An alternative perspective sometimes gives release or peace as a result, it certainly did me.

My ability to do pyschic readings stemmed out of my experiences with hypnosis. My experiences prompted me to become Certified in Hypnosis so I could help others, as I had been helped. Another blessing to me from delving into my mind was my childhood dyslexia disappeared. My reading ability and verbal vocabulary more than tripled in two years.  

Try hypnosis you may gain solution, resolution, relief and release... and much more!

©ra'mona marie 2002