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Ra'mona Marie ... Psychic  Intuitive         Life Coach - Advanced Certified Hypnotist

Spirit Guides or Guardian Angels      

In the Bible many of the prophets spoke of angels from heaven with messages. There has always and will always be guidance available to us any time of day or night.

Quite hard to believe that in today's world!  I  from my own experiences have come to believe this guidance from above is true. Each of us has a guide or guardian angel always watching over us, as did the prophets.

At times in our life, it's hard to believe that we have guidance, especially when our lives are in turmoil. A person needs to understand that a spirit guides position is not to rule our lives, or simply tell us what to do.

A guide is to assist us with knowledge so that we may make better choices in our life. Their job is not to undo our own doing, our karma is our karma. Karma simply means misunderstood energy, circumstances, misdirected energy or actions in our past, in the current life or past lives.

Karma is unresolved energy.

A guide's position is not only guidance of us, but friendship or presence in our life. Even in our alone moments we are never alone in a broader span of reality. I do realize how hard this concept is to believe. I used to feel rather alone and small at times, but no longer. I take immense comfort from this unusual source of support and friendship.

At times in life we all need assistance or guidance. Hopefully this guidance will come from above.

Many are the voices we hear, one voice or even many voices at once. Confusion the result.

How does one know if he or she is receiving true guidance?

First by the tone, defining tone as that whatever the message, does it ring truth?

Any truth, or true direction in life has that ring of truth to it.

Within our soul we have conscience, an innate ability to discern right from wrong. In this same faculty we also have the ability to detect tones. Such as; when a person lies to you, you know by perceiving invisible tones, that what had been said to you...  did not ring true with truth. That the person had lied. We have been taught not to trust our instincts.

Another way you can tell truth is by the effect of what is said or perceived. True guidance brings a positive effect from whatever the message. How does it affect you or cause you to feel, not only in the moment, but days or years after the moment. Does the message bring you up or down emotionally in your life's circumstances.

Guides have personality the same as you or I. They also have the same ego tendencies as you or I. Although they generally have a better grasp on their ego than we or they would still be here with us in the physical plane of existence. Yet they too are ever evolving in soul essence or depth.

Guides have 100% total perspective of our life, where we at times are limited in our perceptions. That old saying rings true here ... can't see the forest from the trees.

Sometimes in our guides having personalities or ego... this manifests in their interactions with us. Not all guides have evolved into angels... and all angels are not guides. In our looking for guidance in our life, it is our responsibility to question the message for that ring of truth and the effect of that truth.

We should question all voices for that tone of clarity, truth and effect. And speaking of voices, this also holds true to question the voices outside of us, our neighbors, friends, and family for true guidance, tone and effect on one another. And what about our own voice? Is it of positive essence, a positive guidance to our children, to other people and to even to ourselves?

Okay, so you don't hear voices in your head and you want a spirit guide, what do you do?

There are infinite ways guides can communicate to us. Most guides use music as a universal form of communication. Remember all the classic composers, they are listening... words only being one avenue in a city of streets. Many are the ways your guide is probably using to communicate with you now, even this moment. Look around and listen, be open to new forms of communication.

One ladies guide I learned had spoke to her as a child within her mind, when she held a particular rock she had found in a cave as a child.

Having lost the rock over the years she lost contact with her guide. She came to me to help her reactivate her relationship with her guide. My guide suggested she choose a new rock from a cave, the last thing my guide said to her was happy spelunking! How odd I thought!

I had no conscious idea of what the word spelunking meant, until after her reading she told me it meant cave exploring ... and that she had originally found the first rock in a cave as a child.

Listen and look in your reality for ways your guide might be relating or communicating with you.

The more you doubt your perceptions, the less clarity you will receive. So just begin listening to the voices and trust your ability to listen for truth as opposed to lies. We all have this ability.

More ways to receive guidance or messages: Read the road signs or bill boards, they sometimes are a hoot! Everything talks when you are listening... a choir of life about you in the universe. This guidance is there, just look for it. Look and you will find it!

On a more personal basis....

My guide's name is Moseeb. He exists in what I would refer to as inner space. It is through the inner spiritual aspects of our soul that we have a connection to this inner space. I have not always been aware of my spirit guide or this inner space I refer to.

After I started doing readings I became more aware of  Mos'eeb my spirit guide. Years prior to readings I had a couple of incidents where I realized I was communicating with someone, but did not know who, or from where. Once in a dream, once in reality. The second instance made me really question my reality...and the voice I heard. I had to listen up!

I did hear the guidance in what I heard and I'm thankful today for that message or direction given to me in my life. I have to laugh at myself now at just how loud he had to talk in regard that first message I got. Mos'eeb hoping that I would get the message he was attempting to send me.

Thank you, I got it! He wasn't yelling, as there was no anger in his voice as in yelling at someone. But may I say the volume on the radio was rather loud! Funny today looking back I might add!

Now I am aware of his voice frequently in my mind, as any other friend's voice.  Sometimes we talk allot, sometimes not. I can say something to him day or night and he is always there, and answers. Our conversations vary from a pro-con status to his commentary on things in my life.

Our voices sound alike within my mind. I asked him why this was in a reading... his response was as he projected thoughts to me they enter my body and pick up my own resonance. This made allot of sense to me. He also said that if I used my mind rather than my ears to listen that I would hear a tone difference between his voice and mine. That his vibration has a higher tone. Within two weeks I was able to clearly know which voice was who... who was talking me or my guide.

There is a whole and complete universe that we have access to through this inner space spirit connection. We have always had this connection to spirit, or the ability to connect to spirit. Each and every one of us has this ability to tap into deeper aspects of our spiritual connection.

Long, long ago in the past, religious leaders made the decision that only they should have the right or ability to commune directly with God. To be the main spokesperson, so to speak. Prayer was still encouraged, but not the gifts of spirit such as visions or inspirational communication.

A direct inner connection with the spirit of God was discouraged and even condemned. Witches, pyschics and the like were condemned for their ability to tap directly into spirit.

There was instilled in man much fear of the inner world, in an attempt to gain control of God by religion. Certainly not the first time, probably won't be the last time. Remember the tower of Babel in the Bible. Remember to question the voices in the world speaking to you.

Our personal connection to spirit was and is a gift from God to each and every one of us.

We are just not taught how to connect directly or independently. The general or mainstream connection these days to God or spirit is indirectly through modern day religion.

Our physical brain,  mind and spirit soul could be likened to a radio receiver. The most refined receiver we have yet in fact! We can tune in a radio station or have static noise, the secret is in the tuning the dial to a set frequency to hear the radio broadcast.

We humans also have the ability to function as a capacitor, absorbing radical electrons in the environment around us. We are all empathic in nature, we simply absorb. That is why we sometimes feel overloaded emotionally, as we hit a limit of how much static energy we can absorb.

Mos'eeb exists there in inner space with millions of other people living their lives much in the same way we live our lives. All the people who have died live in this dimension. A dual reality.

Merely because we do not have physical sight of this reality does not mean it does not exist.

Remember it was not that many decades ago when everyone here thought our world was flat.

There has been communication between our realities from the conception of time.

This inner space dimension vibrates at such a high speed of velocity that it is beyond our physical five senses. But, we can access this dimension through our 6th sense. We can sense it, feel it even if we can't see it. The prophets of old did this. Going inward toward our soul connection, toward this internal peaceful inner space. It is this ability to connect with spirit or God that made them prophets of old.

I was at first somewhat skeptical or dubious about this supposed spirit guide person - Mos'eeb. But after years of my listening to him in readings and after many conversations with him I am no longer dubious. It is through him that I am able to link into past information about our universe - the Akashic record about mankind and our reality.

Every year I am more stunned by the magnitude of this insight... clarity... connection. But more importantly I appreciate his presence, his friendship.... his funny commentary about events in my life and his spiritual guidance.

I have been repeatedly amazed by the accuracy of information conveyed in readings with no prior information given to me concerning the content of the reading. Many times receiving validation years after the reading,  from people telling me how much the information had really helped them and how accurate the information given truly was.

Mos'eeb was a poet in his last lifetime, and still is in heart... read his poems more about him.


Trust your instincts!   Look for truth!   Listen to those voices!

What clarity or truth on a topic …   can give one is amazing...

It opens up a path of truth…   which is so powerful…

It caves in energy that is not based upon truth.                              ©ra'mona marie 2002