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Animal Talk

Ra'mona Marie ... Psychic  Intuitive         Life Coach - Advanced Certified Hypnotist

Psychically Communicating with Animals   My Windy Dog             

This page is about my wonderful, faithful companion of many years... my dog named Windy. She has since passed on, but she has stayed fresh right in my mind now for many more years.

One-day while at a baseball game with my son, I was sitting watching the game. Then two young girls came by me bicycling, following them was a very cute puppy.  This puppy looked like a sheep dog mix of some kind.  This puppy took one look at me, and came over and set down beside me and never left. A little girl puppy, she stayed with me throughout the rest of the game. 

At the end if of the game I wondered what to do about the puppy, she seemed quite content to be with me. But I wanted to return the puppy to its owners.  My son was ready to leave the ballpark and came to find me, he adored the little puppy! So we went in unison to find the girls the pup had been following, this little puppy hanging at my heels.

I finally found the girls to return the puppy.  The two girls said the puppy did not belong to them.  They said the puppy had been abandoned near their home. They were actually looking for someone to give the puppy to.  So we ended up taking the puppy home. 

We intended to give the puppy to a lady who worked for me.  The lady was on vacation that week, by the time she got back it was apparent that the puppy had adopted us.  We decided to name the puppy Windy dog, as she liked the wind blowing in her face.

Windy learned to communicate with me via flashing pictures to me mentally.  There were many occasions of this type of communication occurring between us.  Frequently at supper time she used to flash me pictures of a can of Alpo dog food. Mostly if she thought I seemed late or tardy in feeding her at suppertime. At times, she would crack me up laughing at the pictures she would send me.

Over the years, there were two incidences in particular which seemed to be very significant.  The first is when she was about 12 years old.  She generally went to work with me every day to my sewing shop, if I was called out to measure a job she just went along with me.  On this particular day it was raining, so I left her at my shop while I went to measure the job. 

Unknown to me, while I was out on the job site a friend of mine Ernie dropped by my shop to see me.  My son was in the shop when my friend dropped by, Windy dog knew my friend and wanted to go with them when they left.  My son said it was okay for Windy dog to go with him.  When I arrived back at my shop, I was really busy and it did not occur to me...  she was not around. 

It was not until later in the evening after I had arrived home that I realized that Windy dog was missing.  Guess that goes to show we all at times take our reality for granted. When trying to remember when I saw her last that day I did not remember seeing her in the afternoon. Then I was truly very confused as to her whereabouts.  I knew she had gone to work with me, where was she now? I drove back to the shop only to find her not there, plus I drove around the neighborhood near my shop with no luck.

I drove back home picked up a can of Alpo and asked Windy where she was at in my mind. Her response was to flash me a picture of where she was physically at. Oddly enough, I recognized the picture she flashed me back. 

Over the years I have learned not to question my perceptions or strange things that come to me via my mind. I try not to question things perceived no matter how strange.

The picture she sent me was a knee high or doggy view of a front porch. I recognized the front porch as a friend of mine's  front porch. Her name is Donna.  I immediately got in my car and drove over to my friends house, and found my Windy dog lying on her front porch.  Windy was very happy to see me, and me her, and all is well that ends well and we go home. Donna was not at home for me to ask how did my Windy dog end up there. Baffling to me for sure!

I at this point was confused, as I did not know how Windy had gotten there.  I asked Windy Dog how she ended up at Donna's house, she sent me two pictures, one picture of her with my friend Ernie in his car and another picture of her laying in the shade outside at Donna's house.  Seems my friend Ernie forgot Windy Dog when he was ready to leave our mutual friend's house.

Windy Dog was just patiently waiting for someone to take her home. This all occurred with no conscious awareness on my part to any of the happenings of the afternoon. The only awareness or communication came from my little Windy dog. Later in the evening, I did indeed receive a call later in the afternoon from my friend Ernie. He had remembered taking Windy to Donna's house and went to find her and could not find her anywhere. He was righteously upset thinking that he had lost my dog. I told him of the days events and that Windy was safe at home with me.

Another time I was stunned at Windy's flashing communications with me was when she was about 15 years old. In Windy's latter years, she had grown several tumors, these tumors were a fatty type of tumor, which grew in numerous places on her body.  I had taken her to a veterinarian twice for removal of a few of these fatty tumors in akward places on her body.  For some reason she continued to grow these fatty tumors, one evening while brushing her, I laid my hand on one of these tumors and asked Windy where these tumors were coming from.

I was very stunned and very sad when Windy flashed me back a picture of me.  I had been involved in a very destructive relationship, emotionally damaging to me. I guess Windy dog had been absorbing much of my negativity. I related back to Windy dog that she could no longer absorb my negativity. That my negativity was my mine to bear. She just looked back at me with her little loving eyes.

It broke my heart and made me sad to think that it was my negativity causing these tumors on my little Windy dog. Windy dog lived to be a little over 16 years old, it's been seven years since her passing and I still miss her.  I hope I have learned to better deal with my own negativity and learned not to take my friends or loved ones so much for granted. She was one of my greatest friends in my life.

©ra'mona marie 2002