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Pyschic Readings
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Ra'mona Marie ... Psychic  Intuitive         Life Coach - Advanced Certified Hypnotist

Pyschic Readings

Let's take a moment here to clarify just exactly what a reading is.

A psychic reading renders information about given topics, or people that goes beyond the general normal five senses in what is perceived, felt or seen.  Remote viewing uses the same psychic intuitive ability to gain in-depth information via the mind. Both Russia and the US were experimenting with remote viewing techiques utilizing the mind to see beyond the tradtional five senses.

Readings are generally performed by people who are described; as  a  psychicpsychic intuitive, intuitive, deep trance channel, reader, channel, medium, sensitive, empath or clairvoyant. These people have the ability to tap into their 6th sense easily. Many can read or track electromagnetic energy.

A reading is the verbal description of what is seen, felt or heard via inner sight or inner intuition. 

There are many different words to describe the same ability or function. Confusing sometimes to say the least! The 6th sense also describes the same thing or ability. Intuition, conscience, gut feeling, instinct, inner sight. All these words describe an extended awareness or sensitivity to vibration which reaches outside what is deemed normal functioning of the mind or body.

A reading comes from a psychic reader accessing deeper aspects of our mind than our conscious every day life utilizes. It is through what is commonly called our 6th sense, that we can access these inner abilities.  The 6th sense covering a broad range of spontaneously knowing things in advance, with out any prior knowledge of those things, or incidents. Current scientific research only knows 15%-20% of what our brains truly do. Is the other 80% of our minds unused or just dormant? I don't think so!

I believe we have only just begun to tap into the huge potential the mind truly has to offer us.

This heightened or paranormal awareness comes to people in different ways, at different ages and for different reasons. Many times extended awareness is a natural response to a person's environment. Some people are simply born with this gift of inner sight. In my case I was born with this natural ability, and as well my home environment as a child pushed me deeper into the inner aspects of who I am. But people can also intentionally bring about this expanded internal awareness. As with the case of remote viewing and specific conditioning - training.

Most readers, mediums or clairvoyants access these altered states or extended states of awareness through the subconscious mind (alpha-theta-delta waves). But some connect through their conscious mind (beta waves). Read article-Hypnosis, Brain Waves and Altered Mind States.

It is thought that people who access inner sight through the subconscious mind are able to pull more in-depth information. Such as the well known Edgar Cayce who was referred to as the sleeping prophet. But there are many readers, psychics' today who can pull quite accurate information-details even through their active everyday conscious mind. 

It varies to the reader, psychic or medium to what extent of information is pulled. Some readers, mediums are better than others at certain things they see or perceive.  Not all mediums have the same skills, not all readers read alike. Many times different readers will pull different information. There is much information available, that can be had by this usual source.

Openness of the person getting a reading can affect the clarity-accuracy of a reading.

Doubt can slow down or bog down - block a reader. Doubt causes friction or drag, particularly for new mediums or readers. Some experienced readers are immune to doubt or skepticism, it not slowing them down nary a second.

So what kind of information can be attained through a reading, or channeled session?

This depends on the reader, psychic or clairvoyant. Not all readers regardless of what we call them are created equal. Remember what I said about spirit guides and finding truth in content.

This also applies here. Look for the truth in what is said or conveyed to you. Truth stands alone!

Some readers can access the Akashic Records. These are the records referred to in the Bible as The Book of Knowledge, or as The Book of Names. Everyone has a record in this book. It is only through the access of the subconscious mind that these records can be accessed. If  this record is accessed, you can pull past life records, present life records.

Personally I believe that these records exist as a frequency band of electromagnetic energy. I believe that we still do not have sophisticated enough equipment yet to be able to hone in on this vibration. But within the mind of man we have the capacity of frequency range to be able to tap into this band of energy and information.

I believe this band may be equated to the outer threshold of our atmosphere. The outer band of this planet's collective consciousness. As a pebble is throw into a pool of water the effect is shown as ripples of movement on the water's surface. The waves of water created continue to move outward until stopped by another force such as land. Same as with any action upon our earth, creating a ripple effect moving energy outward. The Akashic records exist at the outer boundary of our planet, where all the ripples stop and accumulate in essence.

This is an incredible source of information. There is an accumulative record for our planet Earth.

Many people access these records naturally in dream states, but don't remember, or don't pay any credence to the journey within their mind during their sleep states.

Readers have the ability to let's say tune in the radio (their mind) to the radio station they want to listen to. Accessing the Akashic Records is very similar. You tune the dial to the correct vibration or radio frequency.

Below are some of the kinds of information/content you can find out from a reading.

Current Life/Reading:

Here you can gain information on choices you may be entertaining. You can question location, vocation, inquire of your natural gifts or dormant abilities. Question current circumstances, situations, or relationships.

Past-Life Reading:

A past-life reading reveals the history of a past life you had lived. The ups and downs, the trials and tribulations. Information is gained that is significant to the current lifetime, in parallel patterns and similarities.

You gain understanding from the mistakes taken in the prior past-life. But the current life is still ongoing. Therefore open to free will and your power of choice. People can use this information to change their patterns, thereby changing the eventual outcome of events in the current lifetime.

Health Reading:

A health reading gives specific information pertaining to the physical, mental or emotional status of a person. More detail is paid reading the physical and/or emotional body, and current condition.

Again the information can vary greatly, depending on the person's circumstances. Often focuses on emotional patterns causing physical stresses-disease of the body.

Past-Life Crossings/Reading:

This is where you find out if you have known someone in a past life. If,  you had spent one or more lifetimes together with someone. Sometimes we meet people and just know we know them from somewhere. And we know them very well, that you are so familiar upon meeting it's like you've known them your entire life. Finding out facts about the nature of the relationship between you.

Another option: If you have conflict  with someone, finding out where that conflict or karma had come from. The nature of that conflict, and deep understanding of the conflict from both sides or both points of view. Understanding often easing or releasing current conflicts.

Mediumship Reading/Contacting Spirit People

I define Spirit People as people who have died and passed on to the next universe or dimension.

This next dimension vibrates at such a high vibration that it is beyond our normal physical five senses. Through our 6th sense we can access this next dimension and contact the spirits of those we love. They are indeed still living,  just as trees come out of dormancy in the springtime, from what seems death.

Our loved ones still live!   Read  a transcript of an actual mediumship session/reading I did.

In this contact with loved ones, a frequent release of grief can be accomplished. Relief is found in that life goes on, that the beloved person is not dead at all… but just gone from our physical sight or sound. Learning our loved one's...  still continue to live beyond this life brings untold relief!

But people need to be careful with this one, as it is easy to carry on a codependent relationship.

Plus this is not generally a rewarding full-time relationship, one person in one dimension, the other in another dimension. It is hard to love, hug or kiss someone you can't see! We still live in a physical dimension. We need to continue on with our life's journey here in the physical and not get strung out between two worlds.

Personally I believe ancient religion created the taboo between these two dual realities as a safety mechanism for those still in this physical dimension. There are many angry people out there in our world we need to be wary of. The same holds true of the spirit world. Unhappy, angry souls exist in both realities. People can and will  attach themselves to you and use and abuse you if you allow it, in both realities.

It is our responsibility to protect ourselves to the best of our ability from these types of people in both this dimension and the spirit world. We have been warned to leave this spirit dimension alone for due reasons. So just approach it with awareness, always seeking truth.

I have seen after death communication be helpful in the processing of grief after the loss of a loved one due to death. Is it not then, also a viable healing tool if used with due caution and respect. Personally I've come to believe if healing and release come about from a person in grief having a mediumship session, that is the utmost importance and a positive response. Grief can be so debilitating.

Does it even matter if the fact of life after death is not a proven fact, no one really knows for sure. Just as centuries ago it would have been hard to imagine a human walking on the moon. But in my mind this fact is quite possible and plausible. And the true gift is relief for those in grief.

After many, many mediumship sessions with clients over years I have no doubts whatsoever that there is life after death. Reading after reading being verified by the bereaved loved ones.

Read transcript - referrals on some of the readings I've done - Jenny   Damaris <links-click

Tracking Reading:

Tracking is where a reader or medium tracks a person or thing physically from one location to another location. Tracking can either occur in a reading through inner sight, or through active conscious tracking at a specific location. Such as ghost-busting, or a medium tracking a lost child or lost items.

Read more about tracking - my article on Basin Spring in Eureka Springs.  Not all mediums or readers have this ability. Tracking can occur in both conscious or subconscious states of mind.


Hope this helps you to understand our inner sight – the 6th sense better. And just what it can do!

Readings are merely the description of what some of us see or feel in a extended state of mind.

Personally I do not do personal readings any longer. I have experienced a physical drain of energy after doing readings for years, therefore I have stopped doing readings. Or at least stopped until I figure out to do readings without the physical drain. I moved my focus from doing readings for other people perse to helping people see for themselves via hypnosis. The numbers simply in my mind did not add up, my reading endlessly perse for others. I have moved my focus to teach others how to read for themselves

Although I do plan on doing some specific topic readings and posting them on this website for everyone to read and share. Topic readings on subjects as the upcoming 2012 and how - why this relates to each and every one of us. Earth shifts and collective shifts in humanities consciousness.

The man I mentioned earlier Edgar Cayce died much too early in life after draining much of his  energy doing readings for thousands of people over several decades. There are many books about his amazing ability, interesting reading!

There have been several University studies in just the past few years studying psychics and it was discovered many psychics did have a higher incidence of health problems. The percentage going higher in direct relation to how much spiritual work or readings they were doing.

It is my belief that the cosmic energy that we tap into is of such a higher intensity vibrationally it does indeed take a physical toll on a psychic's physical health. I was drained many times after readings, in particular large group readings which generally required me to stay in the deeper mind states for a much longer period of time. Hair in my third eye region, which is directly between the eyebrows would frequently turn white from intensity of some form of energy transference. So I was not surprised at the results of these mind studies of psychics at different Universities.

But I do feel there is so much crucial information to be had about you, me, our universe to be had via our minds that I write this information. Plus there is so much confusion about this unusual source of information I hope to clarify more about this topic of readings. To help people understand the process and just exactly what is available to them via this type of resource.